Sunday, August 30, 2009

Firewood And Time Travel

My grandson Kelton and I spent about an hour or so today working on our firewood supply. We still have to get a bunch of it into the woodshed. He's four now and does OK as a helper, much like his father did when he was that age.

It still amazes me, watching him and talking to him as his father and I did years ago. My favorite stories have always been about time travel. Watching our son and his children is as close as I'll ever come to going back in time. It's like looking back, seeing myself then my son and now his son. Seeing some of the things my father and his father did as well. Kinda spooky.

Then there's my granddaughter. Oy! She's like a whole new chapter.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

In A Pickle In Hobart

It's that time again, time to put up some of My Beloved's scrumptious garlic dills. About ten quarts this year.

The produce this time around wasn't the best. The dill was terrible and the little cukes were on the soft side.

But come December and January they'll be tasty.

LOVE this annual tradition.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Mizu Japanese Steakhouse

A little video from our first trip to this new restaurant in Covington, not far from Hobart. This is the Mízu chain and the food is not bad. I missed recording the flaming grill and egg in the hat trick, but you get the idea.

Our two grandkids, 4 and 2 loved it. They also wolfed the food. A good experience, but kinda pricey. Not bad though.

Monday, August 17, 2009

The Needle, The Moon And Venus

As I was walking up John Street to Pacific Science Center just before 6 a.m. the sun was coming up. The sliver moon was hanging just to the south of the Space Needle and just below the moon was Venus, though you'll have to look closely to see it in this shot.

Unfortunately, I didn't have my DSLR so my iPhone 3GS would have to do. This shot was processed with the Photo fx app. I used the three stripe filter and added just a bit of a vignette.

Love watching the sunrise, but this time of year I always get a bit sad as the days become shorter. Fall will soon be here. Summer can't last long enough at this point in my life.