Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Learning To Hike Quickly

The weather was great again today in Hobart, so after work I forced myself to get up and go hike for a couple of hours. Since the Taylor Mountain Trail is just down the road two miles, I drove down and started out. It's all uphill the first mile or so and while that doesn't sound too tough for most, for this flabby old computer idiot it's tough enough. Just enough to get my blood pumping and lungs working. Hopefully, I can keep this up for awhile.

It all started with geocaching, but that's just the premise. The real goal is to get out, get off my butt, and get moving. So far, it's working.

By the way, this was taken with my first generation iPhone, then run through the CameraBag app (I threw text on in Photoshop). Thanks to Chase Jarvis ( and some timely iPhone tips, I now know to frame the shot with the button already pushed. Then let go when the shot is ready. DOH! I am SO stupid! Why didn't I notice that before?! SO simple.

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