Sunday, August 29, 2010

Time Traveling In A Comic

Just read one of my birthday presents from Jesse and Jennifer and family. It's a Star Trek comic book from December 1986. A special anniversary edition marking 20 years since the show first aired. It's sort of a time capsule.

The story is all about time travel, my favorite kind of story. And this one included references to "City on the Edge of Forever," my favorite episode of all time. As any good time travel story should have, this one includes plenty of paradoxes. The original crew meets the crew from the future and together they save the universe. Good stuff!

But reading the comic and the ads is like going back in time. One two page ad for NBC was for all the children's programming the Peacock Network was running on Saturday mornings back then. Smurfs and all. Amazing.

I now return to my normal place in the space time continuum.

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