Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Kali's First Christmas

Our youngest grandchild, Kali is celebrating her first Christmas in 2010. She has an adorable outfit and adoring parents, siblings and grandparents. Sadly, her family is moving to a new home a few days before Christmas so things are...confused, to say the least.

When Kelton came along he was the only child Jesse and Jennifer had, and he was our only grandchild. So, his first Christmas was a big deal. When we celebrated Kira's first Christmas it was kinda the same, but different. Now, with a new home and their grandmother facing such serious health issues, things are just different for our entire family.

But there's no escaping Kali's great personality. This picture captures none of that, sad to say. But she is a smiling, giggling, happy baby with a great future ahead of her. And a great family supporting her. In 2011 she will start walking and talking and start making her mark on the world. Can't wait to see it happen!

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