Monday, March 23, 2009

First Skunk Cabbage of 2009

I was out tromping around our woods this afternoon and spotted this guy poking his head up through the marsh. They don't smell great, they're not all THAT pretty, and they have a funny name. But it was good to see it.

Yes, today is another typical Pacific Northwest winter day, even though it's officially spring now. Cold, rainy, dreary. But seeing the skunk cabbage starting to poke up from the wetland is a welcomed sight. This was the only one I could find that was up, but there are many others out there. A little bit of color - and the promise of more to come - on an otherwise dismal day with sky the color of a battleship. Can't wait for warmer weather.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Games People Play

So, we were sitting around this afternoon as the sun was setting. Snow, hail, rain were all falling...and the sun was shining. Had a fire burning in the stove. Joyce and Kelton curled up in her chair and she continued teaching him the finer points of solitaire.

It's no surprise that three-year-old Kelton has been playing video games for quite awhile. His father started when he was two and still plays them now. But our grandson hasn't yet mastered solitaire. So, that's his grandmother's job.

I snapped this with my first generation iPhone and used the CameraBag app with the Lolo filter. Even in the low light it works OK.