Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Excuse Me, I'm Resting

Our son Jesse shot this today with his iPhone 3GS. His youngest, Kali was napping in her car seat while they were out and about and didn't really look like she wanted to be disturbed when he went to take her out of the car.

SO wish I could say that at times. Just leave me alone! I'm napping!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Mushroom Mystery

We've seen many mushrooms here on The Orchard Compound over the years. But today I found a bumper crop of the biggest bright orange fungi I've ever seen. Actually, I've never seen these before. Their color is so intense they seemed to glow in the woods on this warm, humid and gloomy day.

Anyone recognize this type of 'shroom? We would never try eating any fungi out here, but I would like to know what they're called.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Happy Birthday +87

Our youngest grandchild and my mom were born on the same day (September 4). Mom was born 87 years earlier is all. Today they met for the first time.

Mom's hearing isn't so good and she couldn't hold Kali for too long, but their time together was so sweet. Listening to my mom talk about my own birth and my brother's and sister's with our son and his wife there was just wonderful. Magic moment.

Here's hoping Kali and her brother and sister retain at least some memory of their great-grandmother as I do mine. My mom's grandmother was a tiny woman from Germany with grey hair who was alive during Lincoln's life who told stories about her life to me and my siblings and cousins. I have fond memories of those days of my youth. I hope our grandchildren can be telling similar stories when they get to be my age.

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Holding your newborn grandchild is an indescribable experience. No matter how many you have, the feeling is the same. At least it's been that way for Joyce and me.

Today we held Kali and were amazed, just as we were with Kelton and Kira. Kali is smaller, delivered easier and is different in other ways from her siblings. She's a whole lot different from her father at birth. But as a grandparent, she's no less mesmerizing. Holding that little bundle is simply amazing.

It was also amazing to see Joyce hold her. Despite the strokes and all the associated problems, she held her just as before. Maybe Kali can help restore some of what's been lost.

Life is good, people.

Meet Kali

Say hello to Kali Justine Orchard, born September 4, 2010 at 2:55 a.m. at Swedish Hospital in Seattle. Jesse and Jennifer went to the hospital about 12 hours earlier and after a couple of pushes early this morning, out she popped. She arrived weighing 6 lbs. 14 oz. Both she and her parents are doing well.

She was born on her paternal great grandmother's birthday. My mom turns 87 today. Amazing.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Grandma's Lap

After all she's been through, her lap is still a treasured spot for grandkids. Both armed with game machines and their blankets, they are at peace with their Grandma. Verbal communication isn't possible these days, but it's really not needed. They can still say, "I love you."

Tonight we camp in the living room waiting for their sister to arrive.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Now It Begins

Our grandson, Kelton is now five. Today he began practice sessions for fall soccer. This is his second year and he looked pretty good, according to his dad who shot this picture. He was dribbling properly, and looked far better than last year.

Oh, and he immediately became close friends with the girl on the far right here. That was probably the biggest part of the first session.

Hey, it's kind of a curse for Orchard men. What can I say?

Bite Me

Went upstairs to get some coffee this morning and stuck my head into what will be our new office. Found this guy sitting where I or one of my officemates soon will.

That's an orca skull. Not sure where he'll end up but hope we won't have to share a desk.

It always amazes me what you find around here.