Thursday, June 25, 2009

Kitchen Dragonfly

This little guy is one of MANY dragonflies that call The Orchard Compound home. They float by constantly then their lives end and this is what's left. Very much like butterflies. This one resides on our kitchen window sill.

I shot this with my iPhone 3GS in macro mode. Ran it through photo fx filter and uploaded with flickup. Frankly, I'm not happy with flickup but it's the best I can find that uploads to Flickr and then tweets it. If you know of another app please let me know.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

OH! Hi There!

This evening we grilled some marinated pork chops on the grill out on our front porch. After a great meal, I walked out on the porch to cover the grill and put things away. As soon as I opened the front door, this great big bull elk and I scared each other! He was about 20 feet away just off the front steps. So, I stepped back in and grabbed my new iPhone 3GS and started rolling. He sauntered off and I covered the grill. By the time I sat back down and sent this to YouTube, a few of his friends wandered out of the woods.

LOVE that!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Foxglove And A Bee

This evening, as the sun was going down and the summer solstice was happening, Joyce and I went for a walk around The Orchard Compound in Hobart. We spotted some foxglove on the neighboring property that's been abandoned for many months and snapped a shot.

This was taken with my brand new iPhone 3G S. I ran it through the photo fx app but think the original was a bit better and larger. Now that the new iPhone has a better camera, I need to change the way I was taking pictures with the old one.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Strawberry Tweets Forever

After what seems an eternity, the strawberry plants in pots on our deck are finally starting to ripen. If we could get a few more days of serious sun we'd have a basket full of them.

Now, if only the tomatoes would do the same.

This was snapped on my first generation iPhone and enhanced a bit with the photo fx app. My new iPhone 3GS arrives next Friday. YAY!

Also, trying out the beta for sending strait from Flickr to Twitter. Hope this works.